Trespass exposes my attraction to the mystery of abandoned buildings and to the thrill of breaking rules. In addition to the exquisite beauty of the decaying spaces, the adrenaline and excitement of trespassing compels me to return to forbidden sites again and again. Mother nature and man are working in tandem, so that each subsequent visit reveals a changing landscape and a new discovery. My adventures thus far include hiding from security, being chased and an arrest that required a court appearance.

The knowledge that these empty spaces, once filled with workers and residents but now filled with decrepit machinery and rot, is both disturbing and a stimulant to my imagination. The impermanence of the decomposing structures, now tossed aside and forgotten, are a stark contrast to what was originally a stable secure structure and indeed a metaphor for human life.

The photographs in this series were all photographed with film, a material that is also being abandoned. The beauty of the construction materials, details and designs found in the older decomposing buildings has been discarded to favor more modern, faster and cheaper methods. Photography has gone through a similar transition when it switched from film to digital technologies, which like today’s building construction is more efficient, cost effective and quicker.